The Rewilded Human Podcast Show

Hosted ByDr. Lucille & Lynn Hardy

Welcome to the transformative universe of The Rewilded Human Podcast Show!

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus: Why Do We Think So Differently?

In this episode, we dive into a fascinating (and sometimes heated!) question: Why do men and women think so differently? Inspired by Lynn’s viral Instagram reel, where she playfully suggested that women spend more time thinking about what men are thinking than men spend thinking, we explore the reactions that followed. Most women agreed, while some guys felt strongly compelled to respond—ranging from lighthearted to downright defensive.

Join us as we break down some of these comments and discuss the science, psychology, and social factors that contribute to these differences in thought patterns. It’s a fun and thought-provoking look at how male and female brains approach the world, and why sometimes we seem to be on different wavelengths.

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Follow us on Instagram!
Dr. Lucille @LucilleNecas
Dr. Lynn @TheAgingGames

The Healy is a device that supports our bioenergetic field by providing it with frequencies that can balance it on all levels: physical, mental and spiritual.:

Lynn’s book, The Fasting Bible: How to Lose Weight, Grow Younger and Heal your Body (in 30 days or less):

#podcast #relationshipadvice #innerpower #lifeadvice

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